As 2021 unfolds, there is much to ponder about the past and future. One thought is to compare happiness and level of progress from last year’s season. We can have a healthy reflection and decide this rather quickly. Many of us tend to be hard on ourselves, so I ask that we slow down and actually do a self-inventory. Below is a more balanced look at our life as a whole.
Score these from 1-5 below. 1. Spiritual footprints left to assist others? 2. Motivation in paying it forward? 3. Determination to try something new? 4. Is our journey going to an acceptable finish? 5. Did we honor our value system? Notice money and financials did not make the list. Yes, it is a very important facet of life, but for our psychological peace, it may not need to be a point of top interest. The reflection of our soul may be the most valuable asset we have to stand on high ground and contentment. If you scored a 25, you may think about teaching others how to become a light in this ever-changing world. If you scored between 20-24, you have become grounded and can look forward to prosperity in your life. A score of 15-19 may just need some extra refining to achieve greatness. Finally, scores of 14 and below may be a sign of depression, anxiety, and unhappiness. Consider seeking therapy, or widening your social support circle. Humans are likely to accomplish their goals with just the right mixture of hope, determination, and praise. It is almost as if we are on a scavenger hunt. Never give up. If your exploration has not provided you with greatness, you may be on a slightly skewed pathway that only needs a simple adjustment.
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Christine Cantilena BarnesA licensed clinical mental health counselor, Christine has been a part of Atlanta’s professional community for over 25 years.